Integrated Corridor Management (ICM)
ICM has been a specific focus for the Central Florida region for years, but has taken on even more significance with the current construction activities of the
I-4 Ultimate project, as a tool to help mitigate the impacts of increased volumes of traffic on parallel arterials during construction. The District recently executed two contracts for ICM operations which have the freeway personnel and AAM personnel working side by side to ensure an integrated approach to operations throughout the region. ICM includes a wide variety of strategies, (active traffic management, traveler information, incident management, emergency management, information management, etc.).
Through coordination with local agencies, the Regional Integrated Corridor Management System (R-ICMS) software uses data collected on the freeway and arterial system to actively manage the multimodal system and make operational decisions for the benefit of system mobility as a whole. Within minutes, the R-ICMS can analyze an incident, predict traffic behavior up to 30 minutes into the future, and provide the most efficient alternate route plan to divert traffic around a major incident. It provides the District and local agency partners the ability to treat transportation as a single system, increase the operational efficiency of the whole transportation network, and maximize the effect of transportation investments.
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